LAUSD and the Arts

The Los Angeles Unified School District recognizes that education in the arts make a unique and vital contribution to a child*s cognitive development. Therefore the District is committed to providing all students with opportunities to attain a substantive education in the visual and performing arts at all grade levels, an education that will prepare them to create, collaborate, problem solve, perform, and appreciate works of art.

On July 22, 1999, the Los Angeles Unified School District*s Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution to commence a 10-year effort to establish arts for all students, at all grade levels, in all schools, in all four art forms. To accomplish this goal, LAUSD*s Arts Education Branch began Arts Program Schools (APS) at the elementary level. In the first eight years of the program the number of schools participating has grown from 54 to 392 and it is projected that by 2010 all elementary schools in the District will have the opportunity to participate in the APS project.

In the 2007 - 2008 school year the Arts Education Branch launched a new project at the middle school level to meet the needs of middle and high school arts teachers. The Arts Bridging Teacher Project assigns various visual and performing arts teachers to feeder schools in order to build enrollment and experience in individual art forms .

In addition to the four arts content areas mentioned above, Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Art, the Los Angeles Unified School District, Arts Education Branch (AEB) seeks to establish and support Media Arts as a fifth standards-based Arts Content discipline. Media Arts are an art form comprising of a range of creative and expressive uses of media and communications technologies, including, but not limited to , digital imaging, graphic and web design, video/film production, television, digital music, video gaming, mobile devices and interactive media.

Work has begun on the next 10-year District Arts Education Plan. The second 10-year plan must extend the critical and necessary components of a well-rounded, dynamic and rich arts education and will focus on a K - 12 continuous and articulated curriculum. The Los Angeles Unified School District recognize that the Arts programs benefit students from the entire spectrum of educational programs and demographics, including special education, at-risk, GATE, and English Learners. LAUSD further understands that the Arts, (all five) increase student engagement, empower students' creative voices, and promote active participation in an increasingly networked world.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Visual ARTs Update

Visual arts update

Hope everyone has started the school year on a positive note, it’s a tumultuous time in LAUSD, but when is it ever calm?

If there are colleagues in visual or media arts that are not receiving my updates, please give me their contact info so I can add them to my list. With so many transitions, it’s hard to keep up an accurate distribution list.

PD Series
Banked Tuesdays at LACMA and Getty
•LACMA: October 4, December 6, February 7, April 17
LACMA West, 5th floor;
3pm – 4:30pm
•Getty: March 6, March 27
3pm – 4:30pm

•I’ve arranged with LACMA to coordinate some of our Banked Tuesday meetings with their Evenings for Educators (4 evenings total), with an optional salary point. To obtain the salary point, register in person at the first meeting, October 4. You must attend all four Evenings for Educators to earn the salary point.
•We will be meeting at LACMA West, 5th floor (old May Co department store) for our Banked Tuesday meetings just prior to the Evenings for Educators. Of course you can still participate in the Evenings for Educators without the salary point.

Reminder that you will need administrator approval to leave your campus before the dismissal bell. I will send you an agenda about a week before the meeting if you need to have documentation for your administrator.

Secondary Instructional Guide
•The direction of PD’s this year will be through the instructional guide - vetting the instructional guide for usefulness, and aligning course descriptions. My goal is to have a few regional groups of art teachers that can meet throughout the year and make this document a useful tool for better instruction. If you are unable to make the first Tuesday meeting at LACMA on October 4, but are interested in this work. I won’t be posting the Instructional Guide on the website until we have more input among the art teachers.

Student Opportunities
•Attached is the Michele Obama ‘Save the Redwoods’ Art Contest. Details for submission are in the PDF
•La Plaza Museum is hosting an educator open house (free admission and instructional materials) this Sunday, Sept 25. Please see attached PDF.

Keep in touch,
Luiz Sampaio
Visual Arts Specialist
LAUSD, Arts Education Branch
213 241-3387

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